Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Memorial Day
Memorial Day means a decent amount to me. I do realize that it celebrates the people who died and served our country. But people don't think about it, we just go out party and enjoy the three day weekend. I am one of those people, I take it to heart that people sacrificed their lives for us, I have no idea how to celebrate it any other way. I relaxed all weekend because I had a State Track meet to run at so I was completely dead. It was first observed in 1868 as Decoration Day, it was to celebrate those who sacrificed their lives during war.
Monday, May 18, 2015
National Month
I believe there is no point at all to have "celebratory" months. Have one day to celebrate it like national siblings day and mothers day, etc. That is the stuff that is worth celebrating not the smiles month and what not. I believe some people do celebrate it for like the first fifteen minutes they find out it is smile month. We celebrate foster care month in May, Salad Month, and Barbecue Month. I would love to celebrate Salad Month because I love salad like no other. National Chair Month, we find our favorite chair to sit in and just worship it. Each night light a new candle.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Prom is the heart break season. Let me tell you a wonderful story on why I hate prom. It was about two months ago and people started asking their dates to prom. So before anybody could take my idea for asking my date, I decided to do it on a Sunday night. I got a bunch of balloons and candy and pieces of paper. Each balloon had a word in it with some candy. She had to pop all the balloons to figure out the sentence. "Will you go to prom with me?" Was the sentence. She said yes and loved it and it was a great time. Until then next morning I got a wonderful phone call saying she doesn't want to go to prom with me. Like what the heck, I was pissed off to the max. Thanks for bringing up prom, and breaking my heart again. I'm not going to prom. Thanks.
This Does Not Chap My Khakis
This Does Not Chap My Khakis
Monday, April 20, 2015
Earth Day

Earth day is an excuse for people to say they are "Going Green" and give a crap about the Earth. In all reality we never freak out about the trash problem every day. We go on with our lives like nothing is wrong. I honestly do not care about Earth day, it is pointless and just nonsense. Then they tell me to turn the air conditioning down a few degrees in the summer so I roast in my house. No I want to be nice and cold and have to wear a blanket inside in the summer. And in the winter I want the same. I want it toasty in my house so im comfortable not freezing. Three cool facts are it was first celebrated in 1970, in 2009 Disney made a film called "Earth", and finally founded by Gaylord Nelson. Things we can do is plant trees, recycle, and ride bikes.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Spring Break
My spring break was fun and very school appropriate unlike some of my fellow classmates. I went to my dads the first Friday night and stayed there until Sunday afternoon. Then I hung out with some of my friends until Wednesday afternoon. I arrived at my dads Wednesday night again and watched Netflix until Sunday morning. I went thru two seasons of American Horror Story, one season of friends and three seasons of American Dad.
Monday, March 30, 2015

In the 1890s graphite for pencils were coming from China. To indicate that the graphite was from China they made the pencils yellow; yellow in China is the color for royalty. I use a pencil every single day, mainly a mechanical pencil because I never have to sharpen them and I like the feeling of mechanical pencils. I never doodle because I find it as a waste of time and lead.
Monday, March 23, 2015
I believe that we should be able to have any haircut we want (that is reasonable) for football. A lot of teams get "team haircuts" where everybody gets the same haircut. Everybody looks as a whole, I would love to be able to get the Bos without my coach getting mad or offended. I also believe that we should be able to wear visors, it benefits you if you are playing at seven at night when the sun is just going down and you cannot really see one side of the field because the sun is blinding you. I also believe we should be able to get pride stickers. I just think it really gets to show other people all of the accomplishments you have made throughout the year and at the end of your senior year you get to buy your helmet for a reasonable price and just get to say "This is what I did in high school football."
This is the Bos

This is a visor:

Pride Stickers:
This is the Bos

This is a visor:

Pride Stickers:

Monday, March 16, 2015
Portrait Photography
The correct lighting is the best quality a picture can have. Besides it being an ultra HD picture. Also the right placement for your person or object. If it isn't in the right spot it will not turn out right and just look a little out of place. Finally the angle at which you take the picture, if you are level with the person/object that is when it is the best. This picture is a perfect representation of a good portrait, it is level with the baby.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Cheaters always win
If my friend was cheating on something and there was no way he was going to get caught I would not tell on him. It is none of my business and if he/she is cheating, more than likely if it is on a test we do not need to know that info or he forgot to study. I could care less if my friend is cheating, honestly it is their own fault if they get caught. I am not a snitch, I do not want to loose a friend because I told on them for cheating. Overall snitches get stitches and at one point all of us have cheated on something more than once.
Monday, March 2, 2015
When people give me open topic anything I personally struggle, I need a topic. Otherwise it's a half done piece of just garbage that isn't good in anyway. And if I get graded down for this because I didn't have a topic then im going to be very unhappy. I guess that I need a topic, so my topic of free choice is wanting a topic. I would rather rant about how Ghandi is a jedi and argue with all of you that are reading this then have an open topic. Ghand is a jedi knight, the earth is flat, and we never landed on the moon, aliens run the government, JFK never died, the ebola outbreak was a government plot. K Bye
Monday, February 23, 2015
Testing in education is just crap. Im putting that in a nice way, no way should we all test on the same thing. And all by memory, seriously what is the point. Some people can't take in a certain subject as well as others and they are all tested on the same thing. We rely on testing too much, to a point where you can't go to college because you didn't get a high enough score. You could be smart and not be a good test taker and end up taking the ACT a second time or maybe three times because you want a 28 and you keep getting a 26. Testing in general is not good enough, it doesn't show how good you are at something. It just shows how good you can work under pressure and memorize and regurgitate information. All around just a ton of kaka.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
4 Things
The four most important things in my life are, my xbox, phone, phone charger, and food. After school and activities I like to go and play my xbox one with my cousin and brother. Then my phone has everything on it and it is how I communicate with people outside of face to face interaction. My phone charger keeps my phone charged up so I can use it. Food/Drinks keep me alive! If I lost or didn't own any of those items anymore I would die.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Obama is the greatest president ever

Monday, January 26, 2015
Where would I want to be right now?
If I could be somewhere other than here I would love to be in a desert oasis. Filled with food and plenty of water and a big mansion. With butlers and slaves building me a pyramid so when I die I can have a awesome burial, saying "I had a lot of money and you didn't haha." Just living out there by myself with nothing other than slaves and butlers I would be very happy, anywhere else wouldn't do.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
If i was an insect

I would be a praying mantis if I was a bug! I love the show the big bang theory and Sheldon cooper looks like a praying mantis. They are cute but full metal at the same time because they eat their children like its not big deal. I just find it a fascinating insect because they look so innocent but are actually a very scary insect.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Final Exam
The only webtool I will more than likely use after high school going into college is probably Google Drive. I believe i will use it when typing a paper or doing a project in one of my classes that is tech friendly. Like for example I am in English, and my teacher hates grading actual papers and would much rather get on her google account go over to google drive and open up everybodys document that they have sent and starts grading away and they get to see what they got wrong immediatly after it is graded by the teacher. Or during a lab report in biology in college, we all are doing our own part of the lab and we want to share it with each other while we are thirty miles away from each other, we all use all the templates on google drive to share information on and edit each others work towards a better grade rather than wasting gas and going to starbucks.
I will never use RSS feed ever again because it isn't useful to how i browse the internet. I feel like we wasted an entire day or two just talking about it and then doing an assignment on something most of us didn't want to know about because we already dont know about it. Meaning that it is beyond unhelpful and nobody really uses it. What I do almost everynight is get on twitter and I follow a large amount of sports and tech pages that post news about something big happening before I even have the chance to get on my email, make a profile on one of the pages that is full of our RSS feed that is just a cluster. No! Nobody wants something that time consuming just to get a few things of news, and most of them aren't arent that user friendly in the first place just a big mess.
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